Tuesday, February 9, 2010

Walgreens Coloring Book with Coupons is HERE!

Have you been reading about all of these great coupons found inside the Walgreens coloring book, but NEVER being able to find the coloring book??? Well, the new Walgreens store in Twin Falls FINALLY has them in stock!!! (The old store might have them too, I just haven't been there yet)

These are $.99 each and come with all of the above coupons inside the cover. They are located in the pharmacy next to the cash register. There are some great coupons in here, especially the $1 Huggies coupon to pair with the great sale on Huggies this week. You don't need to buy 3 like I did tho, I wasn't thinking and bought one book for each package of diapers I was buying but they just enter the code and don't even take your coupon, so one book will suffice. I shared my other 2 books with friends.
(so no need to buy them all, save some for everyone else!!)

1 comment:

  1. THANK YOU for posting this!! i've been waiting forEVER for this book... and thought they were long gone... i'll be heading out to find them, thankS!!! :)
