Wednesday, February 24, 2010

Albertsons GM Promo UPDATE!

It is being reported that the Albertsons General Mills Promo that I told you about HERE is printing BEFORE coupons. Now I haven't tried this for myself yet, so let me know if this works for you. So, if the reports are correct, you only need to spend the $20 BEFORE tax and coupons and then your $7 catalina will print. It is also being reported that these catalinas do roll, which means that you do the transaction once, then when you do it the second time, you can use your $7 catalina towards your 2nd transaction and another $7 catalina will print. Repeat.

It is also being reported that the following catalinas are also running:

Fiber One Bars:
Buy 3 Get $1.50
Buy 4 Get $2.50
Buy 5 get $3.50

BC Fruit Snacks:
Buy 3 Get $1.50
Buy 4 Get $2.50
Buy 5 get $3.50

Possible scenarios with all catalinas (thanks fabulesslyfrugal!)

PURCHASE 5 Fiber One Bars ($2.50 each)
PURCHASE 4 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks ($2.50 each)
TOTAL: $22.50

(2) $.50/2 BC Fruit Snacks from
(2) $.40/1 Fiber One Bars from
(2) $.40/1 Fiber One Bars from smartsource
(1) $.40/1 Fiber One Bars from

TOTAL: $20.30

$7.00 GM catalina
$3.50 Fiber One Bars catalina
$2.50 Betty Crocker Fruit Snacks Catalina

That is $13.00 in catalinas!

1 comment:

  1. I tried it tonight and it worked with $20 before coupons and I rolled it 2 times. I couldn't believe for a Wednesday night how the were out of a lot of things.
