Monday, December 28, 2009

My Walmart Coupon/Ad Match Trip

If you haven't noticed from my last several posts, I haven't done much coupon shopping for awhile. I finally cut some coupons the other night, but I was about 4 weeks behind!! Needless to say, it is time to get back into this!! I do have to say, I am thankful for the stockpile I had built up from using my coupons because it really helped save me during this busy holiday season from having to run to the store for things or make big shopping trips. I really haven't had to do much grocery shopping at all! That said, here are the deals I got at Walmart last night. (sorry there are no pics...can't find my camera cord again!!!)

  • Townhouse/Club crackers, matched Ridley's ad for $1.59 (Walmart price $1.94), then used $1/2 coupon from 12/13 RP. Final price $1.09/box for a savings of $.84 each. I bought 8 boxes of these because I haven't seen these go on sale for this cheap in a long time and my baby LOVES crackers! (or "cooookies" as she calls them).
  • Nabisco crackers , matched Albertsons ad for $1.50 (Walmart price $2). Then I used my $1/1 Nabisco coupons for a savings of $1.50/box.
  • Campbell's Chunky soup, matched Albertsons ad for $.99 (Walmart price $1.50), then I used $1.50/3 coupon from the Campbells site for a savings of $1.01/can.
  • Doritos, matched Albertsons ad for $2.29 (Walmart price $2.48). Not a huge savings but we needed tortilla chips and I still saved $.19 a bag.
  • Three 12 packs of Pepsi, cashier matched "some one's ad" for $2.60 (she knew they were on sale somewhere) but I had 3 coupons for a free 12 pack so I saved $2.60/12pack.
  • Nalley Pickles, Walmart's price $1.76, then I used the $1 off Nalley Elite coupon...thought I'd give it a try, and yes it scanned and they took it without question so I saved $1 each.

This may not seem like that big of a deal, but I mostly went for the Townhouse/Club crackers so I just decided to see what else I could do while I was there and I wanted to use some of my coupons that expire on 12/31. Still, even tho it doesn't seem like much, with matching ads and using coupons, I saved $29.96 just on these items!!! That sort of makes it a big deal.

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